

Pages: 48-54

Date of Publication: 14-Jun-2022

The pursuit of rational drug use: Understanding factors and interventions

Author: Iti Chauhan, Mohd Yasir , Madhu Kumari , Madhu Verma

Category: Pharmaceutics

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Health is a fundamental human right and the attainment of the highest possible level of health is the most important worldwide social goal. Medicines are important component of health care. Advances in medications have enabled doctors to cure many diseases and save lives. The selection of essential medicines is only one step toward the improvement of the quality of health care; selection needs to be followed by appropriate use. However, unfortunately, because of inappropriate use, the effective medicines of yesterday become ineffective today. The situation is alarming. In this article, the author is focusing on the concept of rational drug use, factors responsible for irrational use, and the strategies to improve rational use of medicines. The intention is to provide an enlightening perspective for health professionals, patients, policymakers, and the public.

Keywords: Drug, essential medicine, rational


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