

Pages: 07-12

Date of Publication: 14-Jun-2022

Assessment of drug-related problems among diabetes and cardiovascular disease patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital

Author: Amit Sharma, Ashish Baldi , Dinesh Kumar Sharma

Category: Pharmaceutics

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Drug-related problems (DRPs) are common in hospitalized patients and may lead to increase hospital stay, health-care cost, and augment the risk of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of DRP and associated factors among medical ward patients in three different tertiary care teaching hospitals in Punjab, India. This study shows the evaluation of current prescribing pattern to identify different adverse drug reactions, specific drug-drug, drug-food interactions, and medication errors. The study was conducted at the Department of Medicine in three different hospitals setting in the Moga, District of Punjab, India. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the patient’s after signing the informed consent form data was collected from the patient case file, case reports, and laboratory reports. A total of 1230 cases were followed and reviewed in the medicine department during the study. Of the cases reviewed, 353 (78.27%) DRPs were identified from 451 patients. Of 451 patients, 256 (56.76%) were male and 195 (43.23%) were female. In this study, it was found that DRPs were identified in 451 patients. In which, drug interactions were maximum 252 (55.88%) followed by adverse reactions 106 (23.50%). The present study highlights the fact that clinical pharmacist can play a very important role in healthcare management by rationalizing and optimizing the drug therapy to achieving better quality of life.

Keywords: Adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, drug-related problems, drug use evaluation, inappropriate prescribing, medication error


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