

Pages: 114-116

Date of Publication: 07-Jun-2022

Existing therapies of coronavirus disease-2019 treatment under consideration: A technical note

Author: Dilpreet Singh

Category: Pharmaceutics

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Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic outbreak in the world and is the leading cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome. At present, no new drug that selectively used for COVID-19 treatment is available. Existing drugs with alternative mechanism of action found beneficial and show faster recovery rate in COVID-19 patients. Drugs with anti-malarial, anti-arthritic, anti-hypertensive, anti-cancer, and immunomodulatory activity found useful in COVID-19. However, usage of these drugs is limited due to lack of clinical trials and safety. In this review, we discussed brief overview of existing treatment of COVID-19.

Keywords: Coronavirus diease-2019, existing drugs, severe acute respiratory syndrome, new drug application, efficacy


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