PHARMASPIRE - Volume 15, Issue 03, 2023 , July- September
Pages: 184-188
Date of Publication: 11-Dec-2023
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Questioners for assessing quality of life in people with epilepsy
Author: Hardik Kumar, Amit Sharma
Category: Pharmacy Practice
It is generally accepted that health-related quality of life (HRQOL) refers to “an evaluation of one’s wellbeing based on consideration of physical, mental, social, and general health status.” In this review, we provide information from current studies on the main and most used QOL measures for both adults and children with epilepsy. Measurement of HRQOL aims at capturing such patient centered effects of therapy. Different epilepsy-specific instruments such as QOLIE-89, quality of life in epilepsy inventory (QOLIE-31), QOLIE-10, quality of life in epilepsy inventory for adolescent (QOLIE-AD48), epilepsy surgery inventory (ESI55), side effects and life satisfaction, Liverpool HRQOL Battery, and Washington psychosocial seizure inventory (WPSI) are used to determine QOL. This concludes that there were instruments that should be preferred for future use. The WPSI will be used for the mental and social measures, ESI-55 for surgery, QOL in Epilepsy QOLIE-31 used for adults, Liverpool QOL Batteries used for frequency and intensity of seizure, and QOLIE-AD-48 used for adults.
Keywords: Epilepsy, Health-related quality of life, Quality of life, Seizure
DOI: 10.56933/Pharmaspire.2023.15129
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