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PHARMASPIRE - Volume 11, Issue 1, January-March, 2019

Pages: 1-9
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Novel frontiers in intranasal drug delivery of nanocarriers for Parkinson’s treatment: A recent update

Author: Manoj Kumar Katual, Gurfateh Singh, S. L. Harikumar

Category: Pharmaceutics


The role of nanotechnology has emerged as novel and effective tool for the treatment of various neurobehavioral dysfunctions which were sought to be incurable in an earlier time. The overprotective nature of BBB of the human central nervous system (CNS) has made the API agents unreachable to the actual site of action in its periphery. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is 2nd most neurodegenerative disorder of the CNS, affecting 7–10 million people of worldwide as the report of WHO 2014. It occurs due to the death of dopamine-generating cells in the Substantia-nigra, a region of the midbrain. It is characterized by tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, dementia, depression, and falls or emerges with the progression of the disease. Ropinirole HCl is a low molecular weight, highly water-soluble drug. It is rapidly absorbed from the G.I.T and mean peak plasma concentrations have been achieved within 1.5 h after oral doses. The oral bioavailability of ropinirole HCl is 50% due to extensive first-pass metabolism by the liver. Its mean plasma half-life is 5–6 h. The present study tries to enlighten the prior art related to Parkinson’s treatment and to prepare Ropinirole HCl loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) that may overcome the problem of bioavailability and bypass the blood-brain barrier by preparing the intranasal drug delivery targeted to the brain thereby decreasing the dosing frequency and increasing patient compliance. The promising results of NLC of Ropinirole formulation suggested in this review work provides a futuristic approach for achieving better therapeutic efficacy by being able to target CNS.

Keywords: Bioavailability, nanostructured lipid carriers, nano-technology, Parkinson’s disease


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