PHARMASPIRE - Volume 15, Issue 01,2023 , Jan-March
Pages: 28-32
An outbreak of Marburg virus disease: World Health Organization
Arvind Kumar, Ruby Gangwar, Abrar Ahmad Zargar, Hardik Kumar, Ranjeet Kumar, Amit Sharma
Category: Pharmacy Practice
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In this review, we discussed in brief about the recent emergency update released by the World Health Organization (WHO) (July 22, 2022) on Marburg virus disease (MVD). This virus was first identified in some African countries in 1976 as hemorrhagic fever. This was noticed that year during a series of
Marburg virus (MARV) infections in German cities as well as in the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade. The epidemic was linked to research involving African apes transported from Uganda. To complete this review, we used previously published studies related to this disease and a regular visit to the WHO’s official website to know the current status of MVD. Information was collected from Google scholar, PubMed, Research gate, and national library of medicine from September 2022 to December 2022. The main objective of this study is to provide current information on MVD to researchers, practicians, health-care professionals, and academicians due to awareness. If people know about that disease, only then can they handle and prevent
it themselves. For this, we include the pathogenesis of the disease, epidemiology status, symptoms of the disease, how to diagnose according to the WHO guidelines, possible treatments according to the WHO, and a brief comparison of COVID-19 and MARV. This is a needful study for future perspective because if no one takes it seriously, then maybe in the future, it will become a severe pandemic like COVID-19.
Keywords: COVID-19, Epidemiology, Marburg virus disease, Marburg virus, Pathogenesis, World Health Organization
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DOI: 10.56933/Pharmaspire.2023.15105