PHARMASPIRE - Volume 12, Issue 1, January-March, 2020
Pages: 16-19
Determination of alcoholic content of Asava and Arishta by distillation method and specific gravity method
Tania Bajaj, Tanmay S Markandeywar , Sukhbir Kaur , Charan Singh , G. D. Gupta
Category: Pharmaceutics
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Background: Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicinal system being practiced for thousands of years. More than 1,200 species of plants, nearly 100 minerals and over 100 animal products comprise the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Asava and Arishta are unique dosage form discovered by Ayurveda having indefinite shelf life and it was said that the “older the better it is”. Because this dosage form has an inherent attribute of continuous hydro-alcoholic extraction and probably formation of natural analogues of the chemical compounds present in the medicinal plants. Materials and Methods: Marketed formulation of Asava and analytical grade ethanol were used. The alcoholic content was determined by the Specific gravity method. Initially, the distillation of Asava formulation was carried out and then in the second step, from the distillate, the specific gravity was calculated. Results: The apparent specific gravity calculated was 0.9948, which was found to be less than that of the marketed formulation. Conclusion: Ethanol content is a key factor for bio-absorption/efficacy of formulations. However, the conc. of alcohol in the formulation should be in the range of 3-10% and therefore, it is essential to authenticate the marketed formulations.
Keywords: Arishta, Asava, distillation, specific gravity
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