PHARMASPIRE - Volume 13, Issue 4 , October - December, 2021
Pages: 211-217
Formulation and development of botanicals-based herbal serum
Suyash Aggnihotri
Category: Pharmaceutics
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Aim and Objective: Various botanicals are used in the management of various skin diseases such as Aloe vera, Green Tea, Wheatgrass, etc. Hence, in the treatment of skin diseases, various topical retinoids salicylic acid is used. Therefore, it is also found that botanicals such as green tea, A. vera, wheatgrass, etc have an anti-bacterial activity which helps in the management of skin problems. Materials and Methods: In this formulation, five batches are made with the change in concentrations of botanicals, i.e., A. vera and green tea. The botanicals which were used in the formulation were first checked for their phenolic content by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). In this, the standard of Gallic acid was taken and both the extracts samples were analyzed by HPTLC for the confirmation of the presence of gallic acid. The formulation was divided into two phases, i.e.,oil phase and aqueous phase. Both the phases are mixed properly Then, extract of A. vera and Green tea was added with continuous stirring. After that formulation was kept in a closed container for further study. Results: The result of the study revealed that the presence of Gallic acid in both the extracts was confirmed by HPTLC. Further, all the batches were evaluated for their pH, viscosity, and physical appearance and their results suggest that pH was 6.5, viscosity was 6580. On this basis, it was confirmed that batch F4 was a satisfactory formulation. In last it was concluded that F5 is a satisfactory herbal serum formulation. Conclusion: On this basis, it was confirmed that batch F4 was a satisfactory formulation. In last it was concluded that F5 is a satisfactory herbal serum formulation.
Keywords: Aloe vera, green tea, fingureprinting, herbal formulation, serum formulation
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